This is of my opinion and I do not mean to purposely offend anybody with my opinions.
There are many times where I am asked what I do during my spare time; I'll usually simply respond, "I usually play video games or read." But there's those persistent fuckers who ask what kind of game? "Starcraft or warcraft usually." I'll say. Then there's three usual answers that tick me of: "Isn't that the same thing?", "Is it the same as/rip off of Minecraft?", and "You play World of Warcraft?????"
Let me start with the World of Warcraft bullshit. People are so goddamn clueless of the origins of Warcraft. Ever since Blizzard has been advertising World of Warcraft, which personally I don't think it's that bad of a game; but I generally dislike MMORPG's. However, the first image people get when they hear Warcraft is WoW. Whenever I say Warcraft alone I am referring to the fucking RTS game which WoW is fucking based off of. It's even worse when a WoW player does this, how can you possibly play WoW without knowing of the story of the previous games? Which bring's me to the another point, how the fuck do you know what DoTA is but not know Warcraft III? That makes absolutely no fucking sense. I mean, when you launch Wc3 to play DoTA the first thing you see is a splash screen which says in huge letters: Warcraft III. Are you that blind or are you ignorant of the game that DoTA is running on that it literally matters so little that you don't have the brain capacity to remember Wc3's name.
Which brings me to my second point. The "Isn't those two the same thing?" I feel like people who don't even have the knowledge or play time of both have no right to compare two games side by side unless they have played both. Which also is a fair argument for the Ps3 vs Wii vs Xbox360 argument; but I'm not going to get into that. For example, (this applies to most people actually), let's compare CoD and Battlefield just a little. There's those retards who will say they are the same " They both take palce in modern times and in both you shoot guns, therefor they are the same." I know a lot of you fanboys on either side will argue all day about this. Basically that's my argument, you just can't compare two games like that. There can be a million analogies made but i feel have made my point.
The third point happens, but not as often [luckily]. I feel that these people are entirely clueless about videogames and should not be even commenting on this kind of stuff. I love Minecraft and Starcraft etc... But some Minecraft fanboys are just fucking retarded. First of all just because the name has a fucking 'craft' in it it doesn't necessarily mean the games are related in any way. Second, even if Starcraft was somewhat similar to Minecraft [which it's not], Starcraft came first anyway. It's like some retard going like "Why the fuck does Queen have a song titled "Somebody to Love"? That's the same fucking title of Justin Bieber's song!!! Fucking get some new and original ideas Queen!!!" [I want to punch this kid in the face so fucking badly (I'm not hating on JB, it's just these people are complete and utter fools.)]
To sum it up: compare only if you have the knowledge to fucking do so.
Since this is my opinion you are welcome to argue against me or suggest other reasons.
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