There are a couple different 'classes' of total idiots/noobs/retards/etc... In League of Legends.
Now if you want to win, you should in fact be trying to correct player's missteps. But do not make the mistake of harshly yelling insults at them. First, the player is almost 5 times more likely to listen if you suggest it rather than yelling in 'ALL CAPS RAGE'. Second, players are more likely to purposely die if there is someone on their team who is of utterly fowl language and just cusses about how much his team sucks. The people are called It's not my fault, my team just sucks[this is slightly nicer form(this is actually MY TEAM ARE FUCKING FULL OF RETARDED CUNTZ)] or in short, [MTS (my team sucks)]. While it is true that you can possibly lose games because of less skilled players, yelling at them and telling them to uninstall the game does not help in the slightest. They learn nothing, and do not gain anymore skill this way. So this directly means that MTS players are directly contributing to their own problem. Yes, if you are one of these players, your not helping yourself.
There are many variations of the MTS:
- The All Chatter [TAC] - tells the other team how much their team sucks in an effort to make themselves feel/look better.
- The Afker [TAFK] - sits in well until game ends, but doesn't leave so they don't receive disconnection bans.
- The Feeder [TFED] - becomes so mad that they simply repeatedly walk into enemies just to make their team lose faster.
Generally, MTS players always blame their team for their losses and always considers themselves the best player on their team. However they are generally unskilled, and gains kills through kill stealing [however real men don't care about kill stealing]. It's even worse when they are clearly the worst player on the team. Protip: if you were actually good at this game you should be able to carry your own team.
Further more, when I say carry your team I mean do the following:
- Don't die
- Don't save bad players on your team
- Attempt to save good players, only if you're sure neither of you will die
- Ignore said bad player's gank requests unless you're sure you can get kills without any losses.
- Gank for players you trust
- Don't make rash or hurried decisions about engaging the enemy.
- Only engage if you're sure you can come out ahead.
- Buy wards, wards save lives.
MTS Players also have the tendency to cry about nobody buying wards. If nobody is buying wards, buy some yourself goddammit. Let' not forget the team comp, MTS players will choose whatever they like always then to top it off they'll say: "We need a tank/support/ap" and go on to say "No we don't need anymore AD carries!" and finally "Fuck, our team comp sucks, fucking noobs". If you need a specific role and nobody is willing to do so, do it yourself, man up and maybe you'll win some. True players choose based on the team, they shouldn't expect the team to choose based on their pick. MTS makes up the majority of the bad players in LoL.
We also have the plain bad people. Which I just like to call "BAD" Big Ass Derp. While these people do exist, they simply make bad decisions constantly. How I often like to imagine their brain activity: "Oh there's a bush over there! I'm going to check if there's people in there!" Who then proceeds to walk into 4 champions from the opposite team. Now these people should not be confused with people that MTS is ranting about. While it is true that at specific times MTS players are correct; that is largely not so.
BAD people are generally these people:
- SO FUCKING OP [SFO] - these are the players that constantly go "[blank] is so fucking op, he should get nerfed" (Aka the reason Evelynn does shit all these days) [F.Y.I SFO players, in HoN there is a hero who has permanent invisibility. DEAL WITH IT]
- JUNGLE SUCKSSS [JUNS] - the sad fact about LoL, if losing, blame jungler. These players constantly harass the jungler for a gank, only to do completely and absolutely nothing when the jungler arrives.
- The Feeder #2 [TFED2] - These people are often asked to stop 'feeding' all they end up doing is to tell us that we complain too much. We're just pointing out that you should playing so offensively.
- The Troll [Trolololo] - JUNGLE RALLY REVIVE SORAKA! [nuff' said]
Generally, there are more types of noobs than this, but if you want to be good. Reread the carry list and do just that. Good Luck!
Also, a video which make some pretty good points: [Just so you know, to win LoL you have to buy wardssss]
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