Wednesday 8 February 2012


Whether it is the feeling of happy, having a bad day or the feeling of anxiety. Humanity has always had to deal with these feelings. But do they benefit us, or are they a binding which keeps us from doing the correct action. I believe that while emotions do induce fear, torment and anxiety they are what makes us human. Emotions have taught us morals, for example the feeling of guilt overtakes a person who has stolen belongings or murdered somebody for selfish reasons. If we are sharing or helping others the feeling of ‘charity’ perhaps for lack of better term will lead us as humans to believe that these are the correct actions to take. On contrary however, emotions can lead to our own downfall, as emotions happen to be balanced differently in each person. Certain people have an overwhelming greed feeling which will lead to their own wrong doings. I conclude that while emotions both teach us and lead us to bad intentions, without having these ups and downs of life, life would be a series of meaningless events.

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