Let's begin with the concept itself. Trisis is an arcade style top down shooter. It involves two kinds of defenses, basic turrets and special turrets. The default turrets are turrets you will have in place no matter what. However, the special turrets are chosen by you at the beginning of the game. Whichever turret you choose dictates your play style. Two default turrets are placed on either side of the special turret this forms your defense line. The goal of the game is to defend your base from waves on enemies. Any enemies that fly over your defense line will remove health from your base. When your base loses all it's health you lose.
Attributes of Turrets:
- Health damage, amount of hp taken per projectile [not percentage].
- Ammo regeneration, ammo is based off a regenerating ammo supply. For reference, very low ammo regeneration has 1/4 the normal speed while very fast has 4 times the normal speed. Normal regeneration rate is 2 ammunition/second.
- ROF (Rate of fire/fire rate), normal speed is 2 projectiles/second. (Basic turret fire speed)
- Piercing, projectiles go through enemies and continue to strike targets behind the initial target.
- Movement, for specific turrets only.
- Range, short/long ranged, short ranged turrets vary in distance while long ranged turret's projectiles reach the ends of the screen.
- Velocity of projectiles, normal is 10 pixels/step. [300 pixels/second]
- Ammo consumption - Normally 5 ammunition per fire.
- Bouncing, specifically for bouncer, bouncing off edges of the screen.
List of planned (subject to change) Special Turrets:
- Gatling, rapid low damage projectiles, 1/8 health damage. Very fast ammo regeneration.
- Laser, piercing beam, 1/8 health damage. Moderate ammo regeneration.
- Shotgun, spread of projectiles, 1 health damage. Moderate ammo regeneration.
- Hammer, focused, hard hitting beam, short ranged, slow, piercing. Low ammo regeneration.
- Split Beam, fires lasers in a fork, 1/8 health damage, piercing. Low ammo regeneration.
- Whirlwind, fires two projectiles, 1 health damage, /\/\/ movement path. Moderate ammo regeneration.
- Rocket, fire a single projectile, Area of Effect impact, particle trail. Low ammo regeneration.
- Dual Gun, fire two projectiles, alternating. Moderate ammo regeneration.
- Flamethrower, floating platform, short ranged, 1/10 health damage, arrow key movement, extremely fast fire rate. Very fast ammo regeneration.
- Windblade, wide hit box which gets wider, less damage as it travels, 2 health damage => 1/2 health damage over the distance, piercing. Low ammo regeneration.
- Striker Plane, follows cursor is combination mode, otherwise controlled by arrow keys. 2 projectiles, 1/2 health, unlimited ammo.
- Sniper, 5 health damage, single projectile, fast travel speed, low ROF. Low ammo regeneration.
- Nuke, 1 health damage/particle, 25 particles (maximum 25 damage), instantaneous deployment, radiates from cursor, keyboard moves a cross hair among the battlefield. Very low ammo regeneration.
- Penetrator, 1 health damage, slow velocity, piercing, low ROF. Low ammo regeneration.
- Fusion Cutter, thin laser beam, 2 health damage/second. Low ammo regeneration.
- Scatterbeam, 5 angles, random angle shot, 1 health damage/second. Fast ammo regeneration.
- Bouncer, bouncing projectile lifetime [5-10 seconds?], pierces, 1/5 health damage. Low ammo regeneration.
- Wrecking Ball, follow mouse cursor/controlled with arrow keys on keyboard only controls. Acceleration, damage based off acceleration. Bounces off enemies.
- Disk Boomerang, disk, up to 4 shot at once, piercing, returns to turret, because of return mechanism, ammo is determined by available disks.
- Ice Beam, slows enemy's speed, 1/2 health damage. Fast ammo regeneration.
Attributes of Enemies:
- Speed, velocity of the enemy, default at 1 pixel/step [30 pixels/second].
- Path, defined flight pattern.
- Health, amount of health, default of 4.
- Size, size of enemy, enemies are categorized by physical sprite size.
- Score Given, guidelines: smallest enemies are worth 20 points, normal sized ones are worth 100 and largest ones are worth 500. Each scored hit is worth 1-25 points. [depends on projectile.]
List of planned (subject to change) Enemies:
(All sprites completed. Paths also completed)
(All sprites completed. Paths also completed)
- Normal (8x8)
- Flea, basic speed, 1/10 health, depression zigzag path.
- Normal (16x16)
- Spawnling, 1/10 health, spawned from spawner, -|_ path.
- Cicada, 1/6 health, loop flight pattern, twice as fast.
- Fly, 4 times as fast, 1/8 health, depressed loop path.
- Locust, twice as fast, 1/4 health, flies in groups of 4, figure 8 path.
- Jumper, 1/2 speed ~ 4 times speed. Speed boost.
- Nightwing, basic speed, basic health, phases into out of sight.
- Normal (16x32)
- Split, 1/4 health, spawned from Splitter death.
- Normal (32x32)
- Basic, everything default.
- Frigate, twice as fast, 1/2 health.
- Skipper, four times as fast, 1/5 health.
- Scrambler, basic health, zig zag flight pattern.
- Normal (64x64)
- Battlecruiser, 1/2 speed, 4 times health.
- Battleship, 1/4 speed, 8 times the health.
- Special (32x32)
- Spawner, basic health, spawns spawnlings.
- Nighthawk, 1.5 times health, phases into out of sight.
- Splitter, basic health, splits into 'Splits' after death.
Currency is going to work on a system of score equals money. As the player accumulates score, every 5 points is worth 1 TS (Trisis Seed). Trisis seeds are used to purchase upgrades or purchasing new special turrets.
List of planned (subject to change) Upgrades:
- Ammo regeneration rate, raises the ammo regeneration rates of all turrets.
- Basic Cannon Firerate, increase the ROF of the basic turrets.
- Buy Special Turrets: Shotgun, Hammer, Splitbeam, Whirlwind, Rocket, Dual Gun, Flamethrower, Wind Blade, Striker Plane, Sniper, Nuke, Penetrator, Scatterbeam, Fusion Cutter, Ice Beam.
- Bouncer special turret, level 10 boss killed.
- Wrecking Ball, level 15 boss killed.
- Disc Boomerang, level 20 boss killed.
- Laser and Gatling turrets enabled by default.
- Save and loading support.
Graphical Style:
Coloured projectiles, effects, misc. However black & white monochrome overall style.
Retro style music, and sound effects.
Combination Mode [default]
- Mouse: Aim
- Left Click: Fire Basic Turrets
- Right Click: Fire Special Turrets
- Exceptions:
- Flame Thrower - Up,Down,Left,Right => moves turret.
Keyboard Mode [Advanced]
- W: Fire Basic Turrets
- A/D: Rotate Basic Turrets
- Left/Right: Rotate Special Turrets
- SpaceBar/S:Fire Special Turrets
- Exceptions:
- Flame Thrower - Up,Down,Left,Right => moves turret. | Z/X - Rotate Turret
- Striker Plane - Up,Down,Left,Right => moves plane
- Wrecking Ball - Up,Down,Left,Right => moves ball
Controller Mode [Joystick]
- Left Joystick, right joystick, rotate left/right turrets.
- L2,R2, rotate special turret.
- R1, fire basic turrets.
- L1, fire special turrets.
- Exceptions:
- Flamethrower - ControlPad => moves turret.
- Striker Plane - ControlPad => moves plane.
- Wrecking Ball - ControlPad => moves ball.
Updates to the log whenever progress is completed.
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