Wednesday, 1 February 2012

When your friend... hanging out with people you personally hate.

So one thing that bothers me sometimes is that one of my friends ends up hanging out with people which are generally retarded idiots. While you may first criticize me for this point of view and not getting to know the guy; trust me, I know this guy enough. All that matters is that this guy's opinion is so radically stupid it boggles my mind. While I don't generally mind so much that my friend has other friends and wants to hang out with other people. Even if it's people I hate. But the fact that this specific douche always wants to hang out with my friend that it's almost like my friend is his only friend. The fact of the matter is, whenever my friend actually is in the skype call with me and my buds he is often interrupted by his friend calling him through phone/skype/whatnot. My friend is great and all but he doesn't know how to tell someone that maybe he doesn't want to do something. Further more his friend actually lives ridiculously close to my friend, as a result if my friend doesn't pick up, he eventually gets a doorbell ringing instead. But you have to wonder whether or not you're friend enjoys your company more or less than other's company. While there is no way to find out, you just have to assume that he enjoys company of both equally well. Finally, the last thing I have to say is that my friend's friend  is hated by my friend's brother. Why keep a friend who your brother hates because of how much of a retard your friend is?

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