Friday 27 January 2012

Dr Mcninja

nuff' said.

But uh anyway, this comic is about a badass ninja, named Dr Mcninja. He's a ninja who is also a doctor. It's ironic because he can kill people without being seen but he heals people. BUT ENOUGH WITH THE DRY HUMOR. This comic delivers page after page of action. Not only is the protagonist ridiculous and badass, the antagonists are equally as badass as well! The comic itself has a plot and style similar to traditional superhero comics but always has that twist that makes it all that much refreshing. If that wasn't enough during his clinical work his secretary is a gorilla. Lets also not forget his sidekick rides a raptor and the raptor is named fucking Yoshi. So why am I writing about a comic? That may be because, this comic, is what a video game should be. Full of action, full of plot and full of BADASSERY. Did I say anything about how badass it is?  YOU SHOULD READ IT.

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